Why are CNC Machining Services better?

CNC Machining Services

Manufacturing used to be very manual and analog. But due to change of times in technology, it seems like everything is moving towards a digital era. For those die-hard mechanical fans, it may be a bit hard to change and get used to the current wave, but it is always advisable to move forward as things get better and simplified.

CNC Machining is basically the process used in the manufacturing industry whereby machines controlled by computer programs are used to design and make other machine tools. CNC, the acronym for Computer Numerical Control, is the software responsible for collecting data, robotize information and take action according to how it was programmed to.

The computer usually operates on a CAM program. Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), is what is used to create the code for the control of the CNC machine. You simply type in your code and adjustments, and simply let the computer and the machine sync and do the work for you.

Due to the machine’s capability of moving through different axes, (x, y and z), linear and rotatory, it is responsible for drilling, cutting, levelling, boring, profiling, shafting amongst other many activities. The CAM software operates on a 3D based computer prototype or model and it is important to understand that the CNC machine does not run under CAM, CAM is just creates the code or acts as the programmer for the computer to follow.

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